I knew I would be a bad blogger. You know why? Because since I could write I have started a journal every year or two but have never written more than two consecutive entries. Basically, I have a bunch of entries that say this, "I know it has been a long time since I last wrote but this time I will be better." Lame, I know.
Anyways, I love the month of February. I am not a fan of the snow but I am a big fan of Valentine's Day. HUGE fan. I don't care if it is commercialized. I'm a romantic and I love seeing that "twitterpated" look on everyone's face. It's cute.
When I came home from work this last Valentine's Day I was tired and overloaded with sugar (I work at an elementary school). I pulled up into our driveway and immediately noticed how clean Mike's car looked. Those of you that are familiar with the Jetta probably don't even know what color it is. It's navy blue. I have a thing for clean cars and Mike knows this. Anyways to make a long story short, he had seriously detailed that dirty car inside and out. He had also gone and got a haircut and was wearing my favorite shirt (of his not mine). He then took me to Tucanos and proceeded to spoil me for the rest of the night. It was awesome. But the best part about it wasn't the gifts or the dinner.
It was that squeaky clean car and haircut.
On a side note, I got this rose at the restaurant and IT IS STILL ALIVE! It doesn't even look two days old but I got it almost three weeks ago. I told Mike it is the rose from Beauty and Beast. He said it's probably fake. It's not. I'm sure.